Thursday, April 14, 2011


Many of you know that we recently celebrated Lucille's FIRST birthday! 
( I cannot believe she's 1) 
What many of you might not know is that Mine, Jeff"s & Lucille's Birthday are all within 2 weeks of each other. Mine is March 27th, Lucille's April 10th, & Jeff's April 12th.
Its been a lot of fun having Birthday celebrations.
Here are a few pictures form my Birthday:
We had friends & family over for a Panini making party. & it sure was delicious!

I absolutely LOVE this photos of Lucille & I.

Then we celebrated Lucille's Birthday on April 2nd.
Here is just one teaser I took. 
My sister Amelia took some great photos. When I get them back from her, I will definitely be posting.

Then on Jeff's Birthday: April 12th, him & I had an amazing day date.
It started off by waking up at 6:30AM to go golfing. Yes I just said golfing. Jeff has recently found a new love for golfing, & despite my attitude of not wanting to go, I went because that's what he wanted to do for his Birthday AND it was So.Much.Fun!
We then had a yummy Mexican lunch, & headed to Glen Ivy Day Spa in Corona, Where Jeff got in for FREE since it was his Birthday, & the kind gentlemen gave me 15% off just because I was cute.. hahah not really, he was just nice. 
I got stung by a bee, not so much fun, but we scored a free smoothy because of it. Thank Bee!
After Glen Ivy, we shopped for a bit, saw The Source Code (really goooood!)
And ended the night with delicious Thai food & some loves ;)
I didn't take many photos, but here are two of us golfing. Jeff looks like a total pro.
I love him.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you guys had so much fun! Happy Belated Birthday to all three of you guys! Lucy is just so adorable! We miss you guys!
